Finding a Job as a Millennial Woman Doesn't Have to be Hard. Read These Tips!
Let's face it. Getting a job these days as a millennial isn't what it used to be.
Searching the web on Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor and ZipRecruiter can seem endless, especially when it feels like you're competing with people who have the same credentials as you. Then there's this: how do you get experience in a career field if you even can't get a job to begin with? Sure there's internships and volunteer experience but bills aren't gonna pay themselves. So, what's a girl to do?
According to the State of Women-Owned Business Report, women are the fastest growing segment of entrepreneurs. Not only that, almost eight out of 10 new businesses are started by women of color! This is exciting, considering diversity and roles for women in most careers tend to be harder to come by.
So millennial women are opting more and more to start their own businesses, and why not? Think about it. Gone are the days when the only jobs available in your 20s are the traditional 9 to 5. With the digital and online world expanding, social media being the largest platform for businesses, starting a business is more accessible than ever before. The key is to get creative and find your niche! What are you good at? What are you known for? Start there!
Femme Nouveau will be your new home as you begin your journey to self-employment, landing your dream job, or whatever you decide to do for work. Here we will interview women from just about every walk of life so that you can see you're not alone in this path to being a self-made millionaire baby! Or maybe a hundred thousandaire. Ayy, whatever your career goal is, we've got something for you.
The last thing I want to leave you with is why we believe in Work, Play, and Love at Femme Nouveau. You can pretty much sum up every aspect of your life into what you do for money (work), what you do for fun (play) and the relationships you have with yourself and others (love). My goal is to see every one of my Femmes out here thriving as we find balance in our lives, and live every single day producing the best that we can offer to ourselves and others.
So, let's start a #WorkPlayLove challenge. Write down a list of things you do every week and jot down which is work, play, or love. If you see that you have a huge list for one and not the others, then it's time to find some balance. Make a commitment to doing at least one thing in another area that will help you begin to balance out your work, play, and love. And I'd love to hear from you! Drop a comment or DM me on Instagram and let me know how your #WorkPlayLove challenge is going. I'll be doing a special giveaway this Thursday for the #WorkPlayLove challenge, so stay tuned. xx
Here's a great book to read if you want to become an entrepreneur. Sophia Amoruso went from selling vintage clothes to founding one of the fastest growing retailers in the world!