Happy New Year from FMNV
I can't believe it’s 2017. So much happened last year, not just personally, but across the globe. From growth in marriage and a million professional commitments, to the fiasco that is the Unites States and conflict around the world. It feels like someone hit the reset button and gave me 2017.
The question now is, What am I going to do with my year?
I’m sure your timeline has been filled with people saying what (or who) they are giving up in 2017, fitness goals, financial goals and all that, but most people won’t keep a New Year’s resolution past Spring.
I've been guilty of not keeping resolutions, so this time I started early. The last quarter of the year (starting in October), I planned for 2017. Setting goals for the year in January is a little too late for me, because as soon as New Years parties are over, I'm ready to get to work on my #lifegoals.
But before I could look forward into 2017, I had take a look back.
Me taking a look back. Iconic. 💁🏾
Did I accomplish my goals in 2016? What successes did I have? What am I grateful for? It's easy to get caught up in what didn't happen, but you'll forget the amazing things that did. I also had to check myself in the areas that I did not do as I planned, and figure out what I could do differently to change my outcomes.
Early in 2016 I found this quote by Howard Thurman that says, “Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” This really spoke to me because I was beginning to feel like I was doing many things for many people, I was doing what I thought people expected and I wasn't happy.
So, I wrote down what I wanted for my life in 2017, both personally and professionally. I won't list them all here, but the next part of this process is the most important. After prioritizing my list of what was most important and feasible to me for the next year, I made an action plan for each of my goals. As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. How in the world I've been setting goals all these years with no plan of action is beyond me, but hey, when you know better, you do better. 2017 is bout to be lit.
THANK YOU to all my FEMMES for rocking with me last year. I have so many exciting things planned for Femme Nouveau this year, so stay tuned.
Lisa xx
p.s. Hit that subscribe bar on top so you never miss a post. We're going in this year on FMNV. Don't say I didn't warn you ;)